This document contains the release notes for eagle-i Resource Ontology (ERO) version 1.10.2, released in conjunction with eagle-i application version 3.1.1.
Label changes
Genome-corrected induced pluripotent stem cell line’ class is now ‘Genome-modified induced pluripotent stem cell line’. Definition has been broadened to encompass any iPS cell line having a genome that has been modified from its native state.
‘Related NCBI Record’ field is now called ’Related Dataset’. Definition has been broadened to encompass datasets from any source.
‘Induction by genomically integrated transformant’ technique is now ‘Genomic integration/retroviral induction’.
‘Induction by episomal transformant’ technique is now ‘Episomal plasmid induction’.
‘Induction by labile transformant’ technique is now ‘Induction by mRNA and inhibitory RNAs’.
‘Induction by chemical transformant’ technique is now ‘Chemical induction’.
‘Study Type’ field is now ‘Type of QC Performed’.
Corrected typo in ‘Fourier transform infrared spectrometer’.
Correct typo in ‘Impedance analyzer’.
New resource types
Added ‘Resource Collection’ class as a new secondary resource type. Can only be added from within a primary resource record, via the ‘Part of Collection’ field. Collections can consist of any number or combination of resource types from the same or multiple owning organizations.
New properties
Added the ‘ClinVar ID’ field to Genetic alteration records. Use to link specific alterations to the corresponding record in the NCBI ClinVar database.
Added the ‘Part of Collection’ field to all primary resource types (reagents, instruments, biological specimens, research opportunities, databases, software, documents, human studies, organisms, and services) to connect to the corresponding Resource Collection record.
Added inverse ‘Included Resource’ (has_collection_member) field to link Resource Collection records to related resources in search display panels. Note that this field is hidden in the SWEET and only visible in the ontology browser.
Added inverse ‘Derived Biological Material’ (derived_into_biological_material) field to link Human Subjects to related biospecimens, primary cell lines, and stem cell lines in search display panels. Note that this field is hidden in the SWEET and only visible in the ontology browser.
Removed data model exclude from inverse ‘Family Member’ (has_family_member) field to link Family records to human subjects in search display panels. Note that this field is hidden in the SWEET and only visible in the ontology browser.
Obsoleted properties
Removed the ‘Inventory System Format‘ field from laboratory records.
The production_funded_by (ERO_0002096) property has been merged and replaced by ‘funded_by (ERO_0000597). Change should be largely invisible to users, as both properties displayed with the same ‘Funded by’ field name. Requires data migration.
Term Requests
New instrument types
Optical tweezers
Body fat meter
Bone densitometer
New techniques
Text mining technique
Sendai virus induction
TMT quantitation
SILAC labeling
Mass spectrometry labeling
Isobaric labeling
Luciferase assay
Data security technique
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Recombinase-mediated cassette exchange
body composition measurement
bioelectrical impedance analysis
air displacement plethysmography
meal preparation
New disease terms
Male Urogenital Diseases
Genital Diseases, Male
Prostatic Diseases
Prostatic Hyperplasia
Testicular diseases
Angina Pectoris
Anxiety Disorders
Child Development Disorders, Pervasive
Autistic Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Mood Disorders
Heroin Dependence
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Panic Disorder
Eating Disorders
Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
Heart Block
Intervertebral Disc Displacement
Kidney Calculi
Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic, Cognitive Disorders
Amnesia, Transient Global
Neuralgia, Postherpetic
Sleep Apnea Syndromes
Sleep Disorders
Purpura, Thrombocytopenic
Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic
Deaf-Blind Disorders
Vision Disorders
Wolfram Syndrome
Hearing Disorders
Hearing Loss
Depressive disorder
Ovarian Cysts
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Neurobehavioral Manifestations
Intellectual Disability
Mental Retardation, X-Linked
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome
Cri-du-Chat Syndrome
De Lange Syndrome
New organism types
Neisseria meningitidis
Nematostella vectensis
New programming language terms
S language
Excel programming language
New data type
Failure time data
Reference genome data
New algorithm terms
Random forest algorithm
New data format terms
Alignment format