The configurations detailed on this page is only for nodes participating in the ACT Production network and after upgrading to SHRINE 3.0


By following these steps you are adding a link to a Google Sheet in each of the web clients available in SHRINE 3.0:

  • Legacy Web Client: Change the default "Network Help" link in the upper right of the web client to read "Site Data Details"
  • New Web Client: Adding a "Site Data Details" link to the user profile menu, which links to the same Google Sheet.

The destination for these links is:

New Web Client: Adding "Site Data Details" to User Profile Menu


The User Profile menu seen below comes with two default links "Application Help" and "Network Help".  


In the webclient section of shrine.conf, add a helpLinks section with a "site name" : "site url" name value pair.  In the example below, a link with the title "Site Data Details" will be added as a help link and it will open the google sheet link provided when clicked.

webclient {
    domain = ""
    name = "SHRINE"
    nextStepsUrl = ""
    urlCellPM = ""
    siteAdminEmail = ""
    usernameLabel = "isha_test"
    passwordLabel = "isha_test"
    queryFlaggingInstructions = "isha_test"
    flaggingIconInstructions = "isha's test flagging"
    flaggingPlaceholderText = "isha's sample message"
    helpLinks = {
        "Site Data Details": ""


After restarting tomcat, the new "Site Data Details" link will be displayed in the User Profile menu:

Legacy Web Client: Changing "Network Help" to "Site Data Details"


The Legacy web client has a Network Help link in the upper right by default. We will change that text and link destination..  


Click this link: index.html to download a new index.html with the updated Site Data Details link.

Use it to replace the existing index.html file located at/opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-api/shrine-webclient-legacy/index.html

In the legacy web client, you should see the Site Data Details link in the upper right.

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