In SHRINE networks, it is important that each node uses its own distinct i2b2 domain name. SHRINE uses both the i2b2 domain name and the i2b2 user name to identify a user.
By default, i2b2 uses the domain name "i2b2demo", which prevents remote nodes from determining where a query originated.
If you have no other applications which depend on the i2b2 domain being named "i2b2demo", you may rename the existing "i2b2demo" domain in the i2b2 database, and update the appropriate SHRINE configuration files. In order to rename an existing i2b2 domain, follow the instructions below.
NOTE: These instructions assume that Postgres is being used as the i2b2 database engine, but the queries are simple enough that they should be easily translated to other database engines if need be.
Replace "newdomain" in these examples with the name of the domain you would like to use. The name should be short and able to uniquely identify your institution. (If needed, replace "i2b2demo" with the name of your existing i2b2 domain.)
i2b2 Database
In the i2b2hive database, run the following queries:
psql i2b2hive UPDATE crc_db_lookup SET C_DOMAIN_ID = 'newdomain' WHERE C_DOMAIN_ID = 'i2b2demo'; UPDATE im_db_lookup SET C_DOMAIN_ID = 'newdomain' WHERE C_DOMAIN_ID = 'i2b2demo'; UPDATE ont_db_lookup SET C_DOMAIN_ID = 'newdomain' WHERE C_DOMAIN_ID = 'i2b2demo'; UPDATE work_db_lookup SET C_DOMAIN_ID = 'newdomain' WHERE C_DOMAIN_ID = 'i2b2demo';
In the i2b2pm database, run the following query:
psql i2b2pm UPDATE pm_hive_data SET DOMAIN_NAME = 'newdomain' WHERE DOMAIN_NAME = 'i2b2demo';
i2b2 Configuration Files
If you make use of the i2b2 admin webclient and the plain i2b2 webclient, make sure to update the lstDomains block in the i2b2_config_data.js file for each of those components as follows:
i2b2_config_data.js - lstDomains
domain: "newdomain" , |
For example, these files can be found in:
Replace "newdomain" in all the above examples with the name of the domain you would like to use. The name should be short and able to uniquely identify your institution.
SHRINE Configuration File
In the example shrine.conf file we use a top-level property to define the domain. Change that to your new domain name:
i2b2Domain = "newDomain" shrine {...}
After this, restart SHRINE to make the changes take effect. You should start seeing references to the new domain name in the Message Log as well as the shrine_query_history database after running a query.