Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • :hasWorkflowState---identifies the current state this instance is "in"; value is one of the WorkflowState object URIs
  • *:hasWorkflowOwner---*names the repository user who is currently asserting a claim on the instance.  Value is URI of that user account.


Show Transitions/repository/workflow/transitions

Method: GET or POST
workspace=URI---restrict results to transitions applying to given workspace (includes wildcards). Default is to list all.
format=mime---type of result.


Show Resources/repository/workflow/resources

Method: GET, POST
state=URI|all---workflow state by which to filter, or 'all' for wildcard.
type=URI---include only instances of this tyep (by inference counts) - default is no restriction.
unclaimed=(true|false)---when true, unclaimed resources are included in the report.
Default is true.
*owner=(self|all|none)---show, in addition to any selected unclaimed resources:


Claim Resource Instance/repository/workflow/claim

Method: POST
uri=URI---subject to claim
user=---optional, user who asserts the claim; default is authenticated user.


There is no result document. The status indicates success with 200. As side

Side-effects, this action also:

  1. Adds insert and delete access to the instance for the claiming user.
  2. Sets :hasWorkflowOwner property to the claimant (in an internal metadata graph)

Release (claimed) Resource Instance/repository/workflow/release

Method: POST
uri=URI---subject to release

Requires that current : Current user is the owner, or Administrator role.

As side Side effects:

  1. Removes insert and delete access to the instance for the current user.
  2. Removes :hasWorkflowOwner* property (in an internal metadata graph)

Transition on Resource Instance/repository/workflow/push

Method: POST
uri=URI---subject to transition
transition=URI}}---indicates transition to take


  1. read access to instance.
  2. must be claimed
  3. user should be either claim owner or Administrator
  4. user must have READ access on the chosen Transition.

Side - effects include:

  1. Implied release of any current claim (and all applicable side-effects of that)
  2. Executes action associated with this transaction, if any.
  3. Resource's workflow state will become the final state of the transition.
