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Whatever your Eclipse version, you'll need to make sure you have a Subversion plugin - either Subclipse or Subversve. We use Subclipse - to install it, follow instructions here:   Subclipse installation. We use version 1.8 (later versions don't have the SvnKit option yet, which is what works in MacOSX). Once installed (requires a restart of Eclipse), go to {{ to Preferences->Team->SVN}} and select SvnKit as client interface


You will also need to add the subclipse connector for m2e, in order to checkout the project directly as a maven project. To do so, go to Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery Click , click on Open Catalog, scroll scroll until you see the connector m2e-subclipse (in the Team Providers section) and install it.

Check out the eagle-i code

Open the SVN perspective and add the eagle-i svn repository: Added

Right click on {{ on trunk}} and select select Checkout as Maven project.... You can accept the defaults or customize as you please (e.g. add a prefix to all checked-out projects, add to a filtered list, etc.). If you're prompted to select additional m2e connectors, accept the suggestions and continue. After a little while you'll see Eclipse building the workspace. A full build will take quite some time. Note that this initial build is not a maven compilation, but an Eclipse compilation.

To build the maven project, right click on the root module {{ eagle-i-base}} and select run as-> maven install