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The eagle-i software is a multi-module maven project stored in a Subversion source control repository. This guide illustrates the outlines a procedure for setting up the Eclipse IDE and importing the eagle-i code into an Eclipse IDE, running in .  We assume a Mac with running Mountain Lion (it , but much will be similar in other platforms. This is not meant to be an exhaustive guide, but rather to give you an idea of how to set up an environment - different OSs, different versions of Eclipse, different plugins, will all introduce etc  introduce subtle differences that it would be hard for us to cover here ).

Make sure you have a subversion client

MacOSX use to have svn installed by default, but that changes since Mountain Lion. If you open a terminal and issue the command {{ svn -version}} you will know if it is installed or not. If not, follow the instructions here to install it: Removed

Get Eclipse set up

We have tested this with the latest Eclipse version (Kepler).

Set up Eclipse


m2eclipse (m2e) m2eclipse provides reasonable integration of a maven project in Eclipse. Luckily, the m2e plugin is part of the standard Eclipse bundle since the Indigo release. If you have an older version of Eclipse (Helios or older), you'll have to install the plugin manually (it is not clear if that's supported any more - please consult the interwebs).


Whatever your Eclipse version, you'll need to make sure you have a Subversion plugin - either Subclipse or Subversve. We use Subclipse - to install it, follow instructions here: Subclipse installation. We use version 1.8 (later versions don't have SVNKit the SvnKit option yet, which is what works in MacOSX). Once installed (requires a restart of Eclipse), go to {{ Preferences->Team->SVN}} and select SvnKit as Client client interface

m2eclipse Subclipse connector

You will also need to add the subclipse connector for m2e, in order to checkout the project directly as a maven project. To do so, go to Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery -> Click Open Catalog and scroll , scroll until you see the connector m2e-subclipse (in the Team Providers section) and install it.

Check out the eagle-i code

Open the SVN perspective and add the eagle-i svn repository:

Right click on {{ trunk}} and select Checkout as Maven project... . You can accept the defaults or customize as you please (e.g. add a prefix to all checked-out projects, add to a filtered list, etc.). If you're prompted to select additional m2e connectors, accept the suggestions and continue. After a little while you'll see Eclipse building the workspace. A full build will take quite some time. Note that this initial build is not a maven compilation, but an Eclipse compilation.

To build the maven project, right click on the root module {{ eagle-i-base}} and select run as-> maven installFinally, we've never had luck