A new version of the eagle-i applications is now available for download. The release notes documented on this page apply specifically to version 2.0 MS 3.07.

How to use this document
Notes for this release are broken out into five categories: #Bug fixes, #Improvements/New Features, #Known Issues, #Prerequisites for Upgrading & #Deprecated Properties. Within each category, notes are further divided into the application that is affected. If you are unsure what applications are applicable for your installation, please refer to this page.

Most institutions will be interested primarily with the General (affects across multiple applications) and SWEET sections within each category.

Institutions that have installed the optional Institutional Search will be interested as well with the Search Application (Institution and Central) section within each category.

For those who have chosen to administer their own network, the sections of interest are General, Search Application (Institution and Central), and Network Administration (Central Search Only).

How to upgrade
To upgrade an existing installation to this new version, please do the following in the specified order:

  1. Update configuration files (#Prerequisites for Upgrading)
  2. Upgrade repository (Repository Installation, Upgrade and Administration Guide#Upgrade)
  3. Upgrade applications (SWEET and Institutional Search Installation and Upgrade Guide#Upgrade)

Bug fixes

  • General

    • Redirects no longer cause error (e.g. http redirecting to https)
    • Feedback form is now fully visible without needing to scroll
    • Resources of the type "Clinical Organization" are now showing in search results as well as in the SWEET workbench.
  • SWEET application

    • Now able to save records when using Internet Explorer
  • Search application (Institution and Central)

    • Use of HTML tags for super & subscripts are now correctly displayed.
  • Network Administration (Central Search Only)

    • Removed dependency on a local-node.xml file (previously named whoami.xml)
  • Tools

    • Datamanagement now accepts "http://localhost" as a valid target repository parameter (used in data migration scripts)

Improvements/New Features

  • General

    • improvement Data with non-UTF-8 characters are now correctly displayed (e.g. MS Word smart quotes)
    • improvement The feedback form now uses email. It is no longer dependent on the JIRA API.
  • SWEET application

    • improvement Entering data as a user with the role of "admin" no longer inserts spurious triples into the data. NOTE: We very strongly recommend that users with the role of "admin" should not be entering data. If required, a second user account should be created instead.
  • Search application (Institution and Central)

    • new feature "Cite This Resource" button added for ease of finding the resource ID.
    • improvement The contact button has been moved for better visibility and the text display is now conditional on the resource type being displayed.
    • improvement The decision process for who to contact for a resource has been improved:
      1. Contact the person specified for this resource as the contact person. If this is not specified or no valid email is provided, then
      2. Contact the general email for the lab that the resource belongs to. If this is not specified or no valid email is provided, then
      3. Contact the person specified as the contact person for the lab that the resource belongs to. If this is not specified or no valid email is provided, then
      4. Contact the PI for the lab that the resource belongs to. If this is not specified or no valid email is provided, then
      5. Contact the Co-PI for the lab that the resource belongs to. If this is not specified or no valid email is provided, then
      6. Contact the Director for the lab that the resource belongs to. If this is not specified or no valid email is provided, then
      7. Contact any person that is a member of the lab that the resource belongs to. If this is not specified or no valid email is provided, then
      8. Contact the eagle-i-postmaster
  • Search Application (Central)

    • improvement Instance pages should load faster now.
  • Network Administration (Central Search Only)

    • improvement Easier to administer the network:
      • Node registry application has been folded into the central application to improve robustness.
      • Now able to add a node to a specific group via the network admin page. To add a node to an existing group, the group name needs to be identical (includes case sensitivity and possible leading/trailing whitespaces). A new group will be created for the node if the group name does not already exist.

Known Issues

The following are known issues that may be addressed in future releases. If there is a suitable workaround for a given issue, it will be listed.

  • General

    • When using drop down boxes in Chrome, it is not possible to jump to an entry by typing the first few letters. (No workaround)

    • It is possible to save records with unnamed embedded instances. Doing so results in losing any information entered for the embedded instances. (No workaround)
    • If more than one organization record has the same exact name, only one of them will be displayed in the "Work With My Organizations" dropdown. (No workaround)
  • Search application (Institution and Central)

    • Entering text with square brackets, [ & ], in the search box will execute a blank search, rather than searching for the text. (No workaround)
    • "Cite This Resource" - The keyboard shortcut for copying does not work in Firefox or Chrome. Workaround:
      • Use the Copy from the browser's menu bar or from the popup while right clicking.
  • Network Administration (Central Only)

    • There is no direct way to remove a node (institution) from a group. Workaround:
      1. Edit the node
      2. Take the node out of service
      3. Save
      4. Edit the node again
      5. Put the node back into service
      6. Save
    • There is no direct way to change the group a node belongs to. Workaround:
      1. Edit the node
      2. Take the node out of service
      3. Save
      4. Edit the node again
      5. Enter a new name for the group
      6. Put the node back into service
      7. Save

Prerequisites for Upgrading

The following changes need to be done to upgrade to this version. These changes are not compatible with prior versions of the software.

  • General configuration file(s) for all applications

    • - new required properties
  • Node configuration file(s) (for SWEET & Institution Search applications)

    • whoami.xml
      • File needs to be renamed "local-node.xml"
      • Within this file, change
        <node url="">
        <node URL="">
        Please note that this is case sensitive.

Deprecated Properties

The following properties have been deprecated and can be removed from the properties file to avoid confusion.


    • eaglei.datatools.repository.url
    • eaglei.ui.ontologyBrowser.url
    • eaglei.noderegistry.url
    • eaglei.identity.url

    • eaglei.repository.index.url
  • No labels