SHRINE gets its configuration from a configuration file named shrine.conf in /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib. If you are installing a downstream (non-hub) node, copy the shrine-setup/qep-and-adapter-shrine.conf file from to tomcat's lib directory.
cp shrine-setup/qep-and-adapter-shrine.conf /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib/shrine.conf
Hub Admins Only
If you are creating a hub use hub-and-qep-shrine.conf - and skip to SHRINE 4.2.0 Chapter 8.2 - Configuring a Hub.
In this guide, we will refer to this file often and will go more in detail on configuring this file in the later chapters). Here is the example shrine.conf file from You will need to customize it for your own node on your network. In the example below, the first four lines in the shrine section define values for parameters that are used throughout the configuration file.
shrine { shrineHubBaseUrl = "" //The shrine hub's URL as observed from this tomcat server i2b2BaseUrl = "" //The local i2b2's URL as observed from this tomcat server i2b2Domain = "yourDomain" //a value for your domain that clearly identifies your institution. i2b2ShrineProjectName = "SHRINE" nodeKey = "testNode" //node key to get information from the hub about this node. //shrineDatabaseType = "mysql" // "mysql" by default. It can be "sqlserver" "mysql" or "oracle" webclient { siteAdminEmail = "" } hiveCredentials { username = "demo" crcProjectId = "Demo" }//hiveCredentials }//shrine
(Optional) To require users to be a member of a specific PM cell project, add the following to shrine.conf:
shrine.authenticate.pmProjectName = "<enter PM cell project name here>"
All passwords are stored in password.conf file in /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib instead of shrine.conf.
shrine.hiveCredentials.password = "changeit"
nodeKey parameter
Contact your hub administrator for your nodeKey value. The nodeKey value is used to identify your node from the Hub. This value must be a unique alphanumeric identifier in your network.
i2b2Domain parameter
Choose a custom value for your domain parameter that clearly identifies your institution. Do not leave it at its default value.
Configure For AWS SQS
Create an AWS Account
Create an AWS account if you do not already have one. See
Create an AWS user for Your SHRINE Node
Create a user for your SHRINE node's tomcat in the AWS console. Give it a name that will be distinct both at your institution and this shrine network.
Do not give it console access.
Do not make it a member of a group, copy permissions, or attach permissions. You'll configure permissions in a moment for tomcat to use AWS SQS.
Create an Access Key and Configure password.conf
Create an access key and secret for the tomcat user - not the admin user - as described in .
Tomcat will need the its AWS SQS credentials to send and receive messages. Add your access ID and secret to tomcat's password.conf: = "NODEAWSKEYID" //the node's AWS access key id - usually all capitals and numbers = "nodeAwsSecretKey" //the node's AWS secret key - very long, mixed case letters and numbers
Share the User ID with the Hub Admin
In the IAM > User > Summary section, find the ARN for the tomcat user, which identifies your specific AWS account and IAM user identity. It will look something like this: arn:aws:iam::9876543210:user/yourHospital-Shrine.
Send this to your hub admins so that they can add your node to the network. It is not secret, so sending in the clear is fine.
Run shrineDownstream setMomUserPolicy
The hub admins will reply with two ARNs: one for the hub's inbound AWS SQS queue, and one for your node's inbound AWS SQS queue.
Download and unzip the shrineDownstream tool from
Create an access key and secret for your admin user - not the tomcat user - as described in .
The shrineDownstream tool will need AWS credentials to replace the tomcat user's permissions to allow it to send and receive messages using those two queues. Add your admin access ID and secret to the shrineDownstream tool's password.conf: = "NODEADMINAWSKEYID" //the node's AWS access key id - usually all capitals and numbers = "nodeAdminAwsSecretKey" //the node's AWS secret key - very long, mixed case letters and numbers
Run the command to set the policies:
./shrineDownstream setMomUserPolicy yourHospital-Shrine hubQueueArn="arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:1234567890:network-hub" nodeQueueArn="arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:1234567890:best-hospital"
That will set the policies for your tomcat user to something like:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "MayReceiveShrine", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "SQS:ChangeMessageVisibility", "SQS:DeleteMessage", "SQS:ReceiveMessage", "SQS:GetQueueUrl" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:1234567890:network-hub" } ] }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "MaySendShrine", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sqs:GetQueueUrl", "sqs:SendMessage" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:1234567890:best-hospital" } ] }
Configure For Kafka
Receive a Kafka User Name and Password
The hub admin will create an account on the Kafka server for your node, and send you the user name and password via a secure channel.
Add the user name to your shrine.conf:
shrine { ... kafka { sasl.jaas.username = "yourKafkaUserName" } ... }//shrine
Add the password to your password.conf:
shrine.kafka.sasl.jaas.password = "yourKafkaUserPassword"
Create a Kafka client certificate truststore
In order to secure traffic through the internet with TLS/SSL, Kafka requires clients to authenticate servers via public key infrastructure (PKI). Each client needs a client truststore, in PKCS12 format, containing a list of individual server certificates signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), or alternatively the CA's cert itself. Ask the hub admin for the certificate(s), and import them each with Java keytool:
keytool -keystore kafka_client_truststore.pkcs12 -alias <name of cert> -import -file <certificate-file>
This will create the truststore file if it does not exist. You will be prompted for a password, despite the trustore containing no secret material since certificates are public.
Add the truststore's location and password to the same two sections as your Kafka user credentials:
shrine { ... kafka { ... ssl.truststore.location = "/path/to/your/kafka_client_truststore.pkcs12" } ... }}//shrine
shrine.kafka.ssl.truststore.password = "yourClientTruststorePassword"