This is a general checklist for you to keep track of your progress in the installation process. Feel free to print this out as a reference as you go along.
Chapter | Task |
3 | - Install Linux OS
- Setup system user
- Add shrine user to sudoers file
- Install standard packages (text editor, etc.)
4 | - Install Java JDK
- Setup Java variables
5 | - Install Apache Tomcat
- Set correct permissions for Tomcat folders
6 | - Install MariaDB (MySQL)
- Create shrine database user
- Setup 4 SHRINE databases
- Load schema into SHRINE databases
- Grant all privileges to shrine database user
- Customize Tomcat's context.xml file
7 | - Install SHRINE application
8 | - Customize shrine.conf file
- Setup Shrine application user
- Setup Data Steward
9 | - Configure the Data Steward user
10 | - Create SHRINE keystore
- Create certificate signing request (CSR)
- Receive signed cert
- Import certificates
- Hub CA cert
- Hub HTTPS cert
- Signed cert (from the CSR)
- Configure keystore in shrine.conf
- Configure server.xml file
11 | - Setup Adapter Mappings file
12 | - Configure shrine.conf to point to i2b2 installation
- Add SHRINE project into i2b2pm table (pm_project_data)
- Add SHRINE CRC url into i2b2pm table (pm_cell_data)
13 | - Configure shrine.conf to point to the network hub
- Have network hub admin add your node
14 | - Verify operation by signing into each application
- Shrine application
- Shrine Data Steward application
- Create a query topic and run a query