Update Schema

Download shrine-setup.zip in temporary directory and unpack it.

wget https://repo.open.catalyst.harvard.edu/nexus/content/groups/public/net/shrine/shrine-setup/3.2.0/shrine-setup-3.2.0-dist.zip -O /tmp/shrine-setup.zip
unzip -d /tmp /tmp/shrine-setup.zip

In that directory find the following database update scripts for your brand of database: adapter/sql/shrine_query_history-brand.sql . Run the appropriate script on your database. For MariaDB run the following shell commands:

mysql -u shrine -pYourPassword shrine_query_history < /tmp/shrine-setup/adapter/sql/shrine_query_history-update-mysql.sql

For MS SQL and Oracle, run the scripts appropriate for your databases. 

For hub administrators only, run the following shell command:

mysql -u shrine -pYourPassword qepAuditDB < /tmp/shrine-setup/hub/sql/mysql-update.sql
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