Breakdown Result Output Types Config
Specify the names of result types corresponding to breakdown queries in shrine.conf . Their names must match the names of result output types defined in the i2b2 database of every node on your SHRINE network. Your hub admin will supply the right breakdownResultOutputTypes for your network. For example, on a network comprised of nodes backed by i2b2 demo VMs, add this section to shrine.conf:
shrine { ... breakdownResultOutputTypes { PATIENT_AGE_COUNT_XML { description = "Age patient breakdown" } PATIENT_RACE_COUNT_XML { description = "Race patient breakdown" } PATIENT_VITALSTATUS_COUNT_XML { description = "Vital Status patient breakdown" } PATIENT_GENDER_COUNT_XML { description = "Gender patient breakdown" } } ... }
The JSON structure for this section is:
breakdownResultOutputTypes { <breakdown-result-output-type-name A> { description = <string human-readable-description A> } ... <breakdown-result-output-type-name B> { description = <string human-readable-description B> } }
Note that breakdownResultOutputTypes can contain 0 or more child elements.
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