To set up the standard SHRINE application user, you will need to connect to the i2b2pm database and insert entries for this user:
insert into PM_USER_DATA (user_id, full_name, password, changeby_char, status_cd) values ('shrine', 'SHRINE User', '9117d59a69dc49807671a51f10ab7f', 'i2b2', 'A'); -- The password hash you see above is for 'demouser' insert into PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES (PROJECT_ID, USER_ID, USER_ROLE_CD, STATUS_CD) values ('SHRINE', 'shrine', 'USER', 'A'); insert into PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES (PROJECT_ID, USER_ID, USER_ROLE_CD, STATUS_CD) values ('SHRINE', 'shrine', 'DATA_OBFSC', 'A');
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