Marc-Danie Nazaire authored fa6b9aa0a8cM
Pull request #1355: Feature/SHRINE2020 1198 - Update docker container to use 1.7.13 Merge in SHRINE/shrine from feature/SHRINE2020-1198 to develop * commit '44ef8a6a31759e35516dad0f547bfc56575da851': SHRINE2020-1198 - Update docker container to use 1.7.13 - Fixed tomcat startup when network already exists SHRINE2020-1198 - Update docker container to use 1.7.13 - Fixed mysql jdc deprecated error in log and restarting network SHRINE2020-1198 - Update docker container to use 1.7.13 - updated myql connector library and the tomcat container version for the shrine node SHRINE2020-1198 - Update docker container to use 1.7.13
Showing diff to44ef8a6a317