
AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
b6af91f3128Fixed file names of hub db scripts
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
0c8e83eb4f4MPull request #1557: Feature/SHRINE2020 1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translatedMerge in SHRINE/shrine from feature/SHRINE2020-1735 to develop * commit 'fb2256d9f0705804abd46768d087bf7706962207': SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - Fixed location of hub data sql for shrine-setup module SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - Updated HubDbMySqlT...SHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
fb2256d9f07SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - Fixed location of hub data sql for shrine-setup moduleSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
6ac918c6fb9SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - Updated HubDbMySqlTestSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
38b1f7834f1SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - Send translation error to hubSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
20dfc426d4dSHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - Fixed unit testSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
b9b41d96c8dMMerge branch 'develop' of into feature/SHRINE2020-1735SHRINE2020-1735
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d8c054df3cfSHRINE2020-1742 : fix missing parenthesis in DDL for adapter on MS-SQLSHRINE2020-1742
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
fc87566f098SHRINE2020-1742 : prefix query result table names with the name of the module they belong to.This avoids a name collision when deploying on Oracle (SHRINE2020-1742
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
796ea6ac6deSHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - added back importSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
23a1af8d563SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - moved location of importSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
e4fab7d03ceSHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - moved location of importSHRINE2020-1735
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
2b20cbf4903fix override config for network-lifecycle-tools
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d06344f2f98SHRINE2020-1730 : remove comments which are not needed; clarify the use of the "createTablesOnStart" configuration propertySHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
41bda0db607SHRINE2020-1730 : make database indices and constraint names UPPER_CASE, replace newly added println's with, remove commented-out config settings, and moreSHRINE2020-1730
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
c7f9f6cee34SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - renamed envelop to envelopeSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
e850829c1b9SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - removed commented codeSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
95c9b78cb33SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - revert changes in docker networkSHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
7ffd66a8135SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - removed shrine-mom-client dependencySHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
93c7c05b44dSHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - added shrine-message-service dependencySHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
51e34567eb0SHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translated - removed shrine-mom-client dependencySHRINE2020-1735
Marc-Danie NazaireMarc-Danie Nazaire
cbd80b18f9bSHRINE2020-1735 - Create and display a new error message if a protocol message can't be translatedSHRINE2020-1735
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
7d9cc30f64dSHRINE2020-1730 : added comments after re-creating the entire project on a new laptopSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d7036feac62MMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/SHRINE2020-1730-rename-databases-columns-tables-and-filenames' into SHRINE2020-1730-rename-databases-columns-tables-and-filenamesSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d32fea02787SHRINE2020-1730 : fix 2 comments in Dockerfiles; fix paths to Lucene indices and adapter mapping files on S3SHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
378e8a4bfc1SHRINE2020-1730 : fix comments in two DockerfilesSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d2b9111ebbdSHRINE2020-1730 : runtime debuggingSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
55fd78a4804SHRINE2020-1730 : runtime debuggingSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
ff6e97180b6SHRINE2020-1730 : build docker network without kafka (using older messaging system)SHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
0c10ae64823SHRINE2020-1730 : fixed so it builds, but Docker set-up failsSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
5b693ccafafSHRINE2020-1730 : -- still not working, except now Hub has its own database and tables.Rename queryEntryPoint qep across the board, removed the "audit" step of config path shrine.qep.databaseSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
e0067d6195eSHRINE2020-1730 : may still be buggy, however I want to run it on the dev instanceSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
ec267a9e23fSHRINE2020-1730 : still buggy (still some hub code trying to access the qep database); committing so Bill can look at itSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
e8de89cdc70Revert the db timeout to its initial value; add a comment about the potential need to increase it.Fix a comment in
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d8a1acb628fGive the dockerized MySQL server more time to come up before the hub starts doing its thing
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
afc1bb6e850SHRINE2020-1730 : rename database qep_audit_db to QEP_AUDIT_DBSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
58f13ebddbaSHRINE2020-1730 : rename database shrine_query_history to SHRINE_QUERY_HISTORYSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d90a762fe26SHRINE2020-1730 : rename database blackWhiteTableDB to BLACK_WHITE_TABLE_DBSHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
58a3ed9c6a2SHRINE2020-1730 : prefix two more SQL file names with "authz-"SHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
7a4f8e99d2eSHRINE2020-1730 : fix reference to a HUB SQL file (straggler)SHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
e7a5c58fb7bSHRINE2020-1730 : prefix SQL filenames with module name (in the present case, "adapter-")SHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
4e937fae269SHRINE2020-1730 : make SQL table and column names UPPER_CASESHRINE2020-1730
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
bff3855fbefMSHRINE2020-1730 : merge SHRINE2020-17292 Jira issues
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
5a4a3601074MMerge branch 'SHRINE2020-1728-rewrite-database-terms-in-HUB' into SHRINE2020-1730-rename-databases-columns-tables-and-filenames2 Jira issues
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
25083c69cc5SHRINE2020-1728 : prepend "hub-" to SQL files used by the HUBSHRINE2020-1728
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
ba9334c7529SHRINE2020-1729 : make all column names UPPER_CASESHRINE2020-1729
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
e357df39f09SHRINE2020-1728 : make table names singularSHRINE2020-1728
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
d7fe5069fa8SHRINE2020-1726 : prepend all mentions of QEP SQL file names with "qep-"SHRINE2020-1726
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
2488f1bfb49SHRINE2020-1726 : prepend all QEP SQL file names with "qep-"SHRINE2020-1726
Xavier HaurieXavier Haurie
b598764e958SHRINE2020-1726 : convert all QEP database table names to singularSHRINE2020-1726