Marc-Danie Nazaire authored db844e94706M
Pull request #1488: Feature/SHRINE2020 1583 - Remove zookeeper references in kafka setup in docker Merge in SHRINE/shrine from feature/SHRINE2020-1583 to release/4.2.0 * commit '7add1d0f6a70a7f4852796760354fe3a97846494': SHRINE2020-1583 - Remove zookeeper references in kafka setup in docker - reduce sleep time from 255s to 75s when starting shrine node SHRINE2020-1583 - Remove zookeeper references in kafka setup in docker - Fixed issue with refreshShrineNode not running buildShrineNode goal SHRINE2020-1583 - Remove zookeeper references in kafka setup in docker
Showing diff to7add1d0f6a7