Marc-Danie Nazaire authored b14ca537c26M
Pull request #1377: Feature/SHRINE2020 1364 - Create api call to get the breakdown output types Merge in SHRINE/shrine from feature/SHRINE2020-1364 to feature/Custom_Breakdowns_3_3_0 * commit '33e535f6017fc975540573553b7ea4c31659596f': SHRINE2020-1364 - Renamed getDataDistributionTypes api call to dataDistributionTypes SHRINE2020-1357-Allow user to select "advanced options" for breakdowns - Made getDataDistributionTypes api call unauthenticated SHRINE2020-1357-Allow user to select "advanced options" for breakdowns - Moved getDataDistributionTypes api call to the StaticDataService SHRINE2020-1357-Allow user to select "advanced options" for breakdowns - Changed breakdownResultOutputTypes config format SHRINE2020-1364 - Create api call to get the breakdown output types - Added check only parse valid data distribution types format SHRINE2020-1364 - Create api call to get the breakdown output types - Modified unit test to read expected json from file SHRINE2020-1364 - Create api call to get the breakdown output types - Added unit test SHRINE2020-1364 - Create api call to get the breakdown output types SHRINE2020-1364 - Create api call to get the breakdown output types - changed TYPE column from enum to varchar in QUERY_RESULT table to allow any breakdown type SHRINE2020-1364 - Create api call to get the breakdown output types - changed TYPE column from enum to varchar in QUERY_RESULT table to allow any breakdown type
Showing diff to1f8ee6c3223