Marc-Danie Nazaire authored aee1554ef87M
Pull request #1458: Feature/SHRINE2020 1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin Merge in SHRINE/shrine from feature/SHRINE2020-1430 to develop * commit '9996238172cbd35095764ee0d6ddb54640c5dc15': SHRINE2020-1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin - Moving mojo classes to net.shrine.maven.plugin package SHRINE2020-1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin - Added maven to package name SHRINE2020-1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin - Added maven to package name SHRINE2020-1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin - Removed version SHRINE2020-1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin - Added missing mojo classes SHRINE2020-1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin - Added version info SHRINE2020-1430 - Bad mojo warnings in docker-custom-lifecycle plugin
Showing diff to360d19b0392