Marc-Danie Nazaire authored 66561fbccabM
Pull request #1451: Feature/SHRINE2020 1518 Merge in SHRINE/shrine from feature/SHRINE2020-1518 to develop * commit '12e9b856b07fc5b5cf23161301cff1ff0364992e': SHRINE2020-1518 - Provide alternate UI when demographic distribution chart data limit is exceeded - Modified so that bar widths are the same size SHRINE2020-1518 - Provide alternate UI when demographic distribution chart data limit is exceeded - Updated tests to use "dataDistributionTypes" in json SHRINE2020-1518 - Provide alternate UI when demographic distribution chart data limit is exceeded - Modified to display list of graphs that exceed the data limit SHRINE2020-1518 - Provide alternate UI when demographic distribution chart data limit is exceeded - Fix check for exceeded data limit SHRINE2020-1518 - Provide alternate UI when demographic distribution chart data limit is exceeded - updated unit tests SHRINE2020-1518 - Provide alternate UI when demographic distribution chart data limit is exceeded - updated the text for data limit exceede SHRINE2020-1518 - Provide alternate UI when demographic distribution chart data limit is exceeded
Showing diff tocb381d4eba0