Marc-Danie Nazaire authored 2836d59871eM
Pull request #1448: Feature/SHRINE2020 1517 Merge in SHRINE/shrine from feature/SHRINE2020-1517 to release/EnACT_Advanced-Breakdowns_3.3.1 * commit '6abe6ab65138cec5260497d0071b24c84178a208': SHRINE2020-1517 - Update mssql and oracle sql to allow null dataKey in queryBreakdownResults table - Increase dataKey size to VARCHAR2(2000) to match i2b2 concept_dimension table name_char column in i2b2 SHRINE2020-1517 - Update mssql and oracle sql to allow null dataKey in queryBreakdownResults table - Fixed varchar size in mssql SHRINE2020-1517 - Update mssql and oracle sql to allow null dataKey in queryBreakdownResults table - Update mysql to allow null dataKey SHRINE2020-1517 - Update mssql and oracle sql to allow null dataKey in queryBreakdownResults table - Fixed oracle sql for queryBreakdownResults SHRINE2020-1517 - Update mssql and oracle sql to allow null dataKey in queryBreakdownResults table
Showing diff to6abe6ab6513