Marc-Danie Nazaire authored 207ec11c25cM
Pull request #1570: SHRINE2020-1753 - Running a two event temporal query from 4.x lines returns error from 3.x line in case both the dates are passed in relationship of events Merge in SHRINE/shrine from bugfix/SHRINE2020-1753 to develop * commit '02fa89653fb74042e85077968a142f82c345be87': SHRINE2020-1753 - Running a two event temporal query from 4.x lines returns error from 3.x line in case both the dates are passed in relationship of events - fixed typo SHRINE2020-1753 - Running a two event temporal query from 4.x lines returns error from 3.x line in case both the dates are passed in relationship of events
Showing diff tobec6d172327