This guide was created to assist system administrators upgrading from SHRINE 3.1.0 or 3.2.0 to SHRINE 3.3 system. The system is composed of an installation of I2B2 software ( and SHRINE software, per the diagram below. SHRINE 3.3 adds support for custom or advanced breakdowns. This version was created specifically for the ENACT Network; the additional breakdowns functionality will be implemented in a future version of SHRINE.

If upgrading from SHRINE 3.1.0, please note SHRINE no longer contains the legacy web client and the dashboard web client as of SHRINE 3.2.1.

This guide assumes the following:

  • You are upgrading a typical SHRINE 3.1.0/3.20 site in an existing SHRINE network
  • You have already upgraded to i2b2 version 1.7.12a
  • You have at least 200 MB free space available in /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib
  • You have i2b2 1.7.12a and SHRINE 3.1.0 running on separate hosts.
    • Both SHRINE's Tomcat and i2b2's Wildfly servers are optimized to make maximum use of the operating system's resources. Either can starve the other for processing time, memory, threads, or file handles to the point of stalling both systems if both are on the same host.

SHRINE 3.0 Architecture Upgrade

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