Keeping the Survey to One Page
We recommend that you keep your surveys to one page whenever possible. This will allow your users to see all of the questions in order to prepare their responses, and it will help to reduce survey fatigue.
- Each block in Qualtrics is on a different page. Avoid blocks to keep all on one page.
- Conditional questions are validated via the next arrow button using "display logic." This can be avoided for questions with "If Other, Please Specify" by requesting a response for "Other" - see below.
- If keeping the survey on one page isn't possible:
- Add this language to the first page: "Please read the RFA (link) to ensure you have the required materials before beginning this form." Include material requested in the survey in the RFA.
- To prevent multi-page, we display Institution as a picklist as opposed to a dropdown list. Qualtrics doesn't do in-page validation for dropdown menus. so a picklist allows you to include an Other Institution text box.
Requesting or Requiring a response for "Other"
How to collect a text response when someone chooses "other" from a Multiple Choice question.
- Question Type: Multiple Choice
- Answers: Single Answer OR Multiple Answer
- Click "Click to write choice..." (if you are editing an existing answer, click on the answer text)
- Type "Other"
- Click the arrow to expand the dropdown
- Click "Allow Text Entry"
- To require this field...
- Click the arrow to expand the dropdown
- Click Text Entry Validation > Force Response
- If the answers are in multiple columns and there are an uneven number of answers, don't put Other as last option. If you do it will push down the other options.
Updating Published Surveys
Changes will only be presented to respondents after you click the Publish button. Then, only respondents who didn’t start the survey until after you published will see new changes you’ve made to the survey.
If you want respondents who started before you published to experience the changes, then they will need to start their survey over.
- If you distributed the survey through the Anonymous Link, ask them to clear their browser cache, open an incognito window, or try to take the survey in a different browser.
- If you distributed the survey through email or personal links, send them a new Individual Link.
More Tips
- Include the name of your offering cycle at the top of your survey. If you want to include introductory text, keep it brief.
- Test your surveys. See our page Testing Your Surveys
- Harvard Catalyst reports on Institution, so having an "Other Institution" text box is important.
- Include at the top of your survey: "This application form cannot be saved. Please prepare your responses and save elsewhere before starting this form."
- Survey Options > Survey Expiration - This allows you to set a date by which no more applications can be submitted.
- Change navigational buttons from arrows to "Submit": Look and Feel -> Next Button Text - type "Submit." This makes it clear that there are no additional pages past this one.
If you are using multiple pages, specify different text for the next buttons. For instance "Start application," "Continue," "Submit." (Block Options > Next/Previous button text) - We use an Application ID, or appID, to tie an endorsement survey and/or review survey to a specific person's application survey. The number is random and non-sequential to hinder access to others' applications. Link the endorsement and/or review surveys to the application survey by including appID in the endorsement email, endorsement form, applicant email, reviewer email, and reviewer form.
- PDFs (FAQs and RFAs) can be housed on the Harvard Catalyst website. Email and we'll send you the URL(s) that you can include in your surveys.
- Service pages will link to FAQ and RFA and will include date information and a link to the Qualtrics application survey.
Required Fields (Qualtrics doesn't automatically add asterisks to required fields.)
- If you want to indicate required fields, add the asterisk manually to each question and include "* = Required Field" near the top of the survey.
- To require fields, select "Force Response" in the question settings in the right column.
- You can select multiple questions at once using the checkbox at the top left of each question then select "Force Response" in the right column
- Section Headings: Add a question as Descriptive Text, then use Rich Content Editor to make it bold.
- Help Text: Using Rich Content Editor, put help text on line below question, in italics and smaller font (eg 10px)
- Harvard Authentication: Since the application forms are not behind login, you can ensure applicants are at Harvard by adding a required field for eCommons username or Harvard email.
- If Endorser email is wrong (applicant entered it wrong on application survey), you can replicate the endorser email. Include the link to the endorser survey: append endorser survey anonymous link URL with ?appID=${e://Field/appID}
- Restriction of file uploads to PDF type has two benefits: It protects you from viruses and it protects the document from further edits by other authors.
- We recommend using HTTP Referrer Verification (under Survey Options). It will minimize form spam by only allowing access from the link on the Harvard Catalyst website.
The Harvard Catalyst Education Program has a Best Practices document with lots of great tips also.