When submitting a new issue or feature request, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit http://open.med.harvard.edu/jira/scrubber
  2. Click 'create new issue' in the top navigation
  3. Required fields:
    1. Summary: Give a brief high level summary of your issue or request. 
    2. Affects Version: Select the version of Scrubber that you are running.
    3. Environment: Please let us know what kind of environment you are working in. For example, operating system, version of Scrubber, version of java, etc...
    4. Description: Here is where you get to give us a detailed description of your issue or request. For issues, PLEASE include steps to reproduce the problem.
    5. Attachment: A picture is worth a thousand words. If you have a supporting document or a screen shot of an issue, please include it here.
  4. Click the 'create' button at the bottom of the screen and the development team will be notified of your request.
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