Clean up shrine.conf

shrine.conf is considerably more compact than in SHRINE 3.0.0. Take this opportunity to clean out the file. See the example file in shrine-setup/qep-and-adapter-shrine.conf as a starting point.

Add password.conf file 

Move shrine.keystore.password and shrine.hiveCredentials.password properties from shrine.conf to password.conf. The password.conf file should contain the following properties:

shrine.keystore.password = "<enter your password>"
shrine.hiveCredentials.password = "<enter your password>"

Update shrine.conf

(Optional) Require a specific project for users

To require users to be a member of a specific PM cell project. (Leave blank for current behavior.)

shrine.authenticate.pmProjectName = "ACT"

(Optional) Override default info logging level

Override with environmental override in /opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-api/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml. Below is an example of changing the logging level to debug:

<logger name="net.shrine" additivity="false" level="debug">
 <appender-ref ref="shrine"/>