If your node is participating in the ACT Test Covid19 network please add a link to a web page tracking status of covid19 data available on ACT Test by following this procedure:

Replace shrine's existing tomcat/webapps/shrine-api/shrine-webclient/index.html with this index.html . Most shrine systems will replace the file installed at /opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-api/shrine-webclient/index.html , but some may have a different path from root to tomcat.

For most systems shell commands like

cd /opt/shrine/tomcat/webapps/shrine-api/shrine-webclient/index.html
wget XXX 

Validate the change by logging into the shrine application and observing the yellow COVID-19 Network Info link in the upper right. Click that link to open a GoogleDocs spreadsheet of information about the state of nodes providing covid19 data on ACT Test.