Application-Driven Ontology Framework Overview

Many functionalities of the eagle-i SWEET curation tool are driven by directly consuming the eagle-i ontologies. For example, axioms in the ontology define the primary research resources for which the application collects data, control what fields of metadata are presented for a given resource type, define the order in which these fields are presented, and restrict what values are allowable. There are two primary types of axioms that are used to direct application behavior.

  1. Logical domain and range restrictions on properties define which properties hang from which classes to drive metadata collection in the UI.

  2. Application-specific annotation axioms support all other ontology-driven functionality. These custom annotation properties and instance values are used to define axioms according to defined patterns recognized by the application.  All of these annotation axioms that govern application functionality live in an "application layer", i.e. owl files that are separate from the domain content of the ontology.

Below, we define the properties, and axiomitization patterns and prescribed conventions for their use to guide how the eagle-i application layer builds a user interface and captures data in the SWEET curation tool.  But first we provide a glossary of concepts and terms that are essential for understanding the interplay between the eagle-I ontologies and applications.

Notation Conventions in this Document



  • Property names are italicized.

  • Class names are in 'single quotes'.

  • Individual names are in monospace font. 

  • Important concepts and references to sections, tables, or figures are bolded.



Glossary of Concepts and Terms

Here we present concepts that are specific to our application, and terms used to refer to them.  Concepts and terms established in semantic web / ontology  communities and standards are taken to be known by users, and not defined here.

Concept 1:  Domain vs Application Ontology Content

See the Table of Annotation and Domain Layer Files for a list of IRIs and descriptions of files that comprise the domain and application layers.