Common Data Elements and Terminologies

SHRINE makes common elements of patient data available to be searched. Descriptions for the most common data elements, .demographicsdiagnosesmedications and a sample of laboratory results, are listed below.

In the below descriptions, a standard terminology has been leveraged (where possible) to represent each type of data.  These have been outlined in coordination with what is present in the demo SHRINE Core Ontology.  Other data standards may be incorporated as well, and terminologies may need to be modified as necessary to fit the requirements of SHRINE. The below standard terminologies provide the baseline for the demo SHRINE Core Ontology.

The Core ontology is a static snapshot of underlying standards. As they change (for example, regular updates of ICD-9-CM and RxNorm), we expect that the Core ontology will follow after a reasonable delay to accommodate the effort of introducing the changes, resolving issues and quality assurance processes.

Each participating institution's data is loaded with native coding schemes used by local information technology solutions. In order to understand SHRINE queries issued using terms from the Core ontology, a mapping is created and maintained for each institution which allows a translation from SHRINE Core ontology term to a corresponding local one in order to perform a query at the institution. While every effort was made during creation of mapping files and their testing to faithfully preserve the meaning of data, as with any mapping exercise, there may be instances where the translation between SHRINE Core ontology and local hospital's data is not perfect.




Lab Tests
