
In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of data across institutions, increase standardization, and ease as much of the burden of data entry on users as possible we have introduced a new concept of 'Commonly Used Resources'. This concept has been internally referenced as 'globals' and this is reflected in the choice of property names. These resources will reside in central repository, maintained by the eagle-i team, that all institutions will have read-access to.  As of the 2.0-MS1.0 release, only resources that have a type of Organization are eligible for 'Commonly Used Resources' values.  Specifically, 'Commonly Used Resources' will be generated for the types: Private Company and Funding Organization.

This feature will affect the following applications:

When a resource contains a reference to a 'Commonly Used Resources', the search application will treat this as a normal resource, which happens to reside in a repository 'global' as opposed to a specific institution.  In this document, the 'client' will be the repository that is receiving the minimal information about global resources into its own proxy graph.  The 'server' will be the repository where the full resource information resides.


To activate this feature, the following must take place:

Client / Institution:

Data Migration

\[TODO\] How to migrate existing data to use the globals 

Advanced Topics

\[TODO\] Details about the implementation

\[TODO\] global annotation on type

\[TODO\] Use of the proxy ng

\[TODO\] Global instances are not searchable as a resource themselves

\[TODO\] NB: Tomcat will appear to take a little bit longer to shut down.  This is expected because of the code for the global harvesting.
