
We recognize that institutions may need to annotate their resources with information that is specific to their institution and would not apply to all the institutions in the network.  One example of such a description could be an internal billing code to use for a core service. It would not be efficient to include this information in the eagle-i ontology if it only pertains to one institution, and may in fact lead to confusion about the use of the field by other institutions.

To address this need, we are introducing in this release the concept of 'Institution Specific Annotation'.  This feature will allow institutions to do just this by including an owl file in the configuration directory and adding two properties to the eagle-i-apps.properties file.  These additional ontological properties will be incorporated with the eagle-i ontology only within the scope of the institution's deployment.  

When a resource has an institution specific property defined, the information will only be viewable from within the institution's SWEET application, dissemination pages, and , if installed, the institution's internal search application.  These properties will not be visible from the main (central) search application.

The institution specific properties will be applied to all resource types and only datatype properties are allowed.

Please note that this is an advanced feature and we recommend that you contact us to assist in the use of the feature.


To use this feature:
