
This guide describes the configuration properties for the eagle-i sweet and search applications, and the public sparql endpoint that may be installed alongside the repository. This document is broken up into several sections. Properties are grouped by application; shared properties form a separate group. Each group lists the required properties and optional properties separately. Required properties must be set in order for the application to function.

The default name for the property file to use is which lives in the eagle-i configuration directory, e.g. /opt/eaglei/conf

There are some properties which are listed in red. These properties contain sensitive information, such as credentials to the repositories. We recommend that you place these properties in a separate file and place the file in a directory that is only accessible to to ROOT to further protect the credentials, e.g. /opt/eaglei/.config


In addition to the properties below, which are specific to the SWEET application, there are additional properties, both required and optional, that are shared with other applications listed here and here.

Required Properties

Optional Properties

Central Search

The following properties only to a central installation of the search application. Be sure to also look at the additional properties, both required and optional, that are common to both installations of search here and also those that are shared with other applications listed here and here.

Required Properties

Optional Properties

Search (Central and Node)

The following properties apply to both a central and a node installation of the search application. Be sure to also look at the additional properties that are shared with other applications listed here and here.

Required Properties


Optional Properties

SWEET & Search (node and central)

The following properties apply to SWEET as well as both the node and central installation of the search application.

Required Properties

Optional Properties

SWEET, Search (Node and Central) and Glossary

Required Properties

Optional Properties


A Public SPARQL Endpoint (aka "sparqler") may be installed, but is not required.  If it is to be installed, certain properties must be set, and others may be set.  The sparqler is a repository containing the public data (and meta-data) copied from a (non-public) repository (its source-repository).  The sparqler is kept in sync with its source-repository by copying all updates (among the public data) from the source-repository to the target sparqler-repository.  The properties (if set) are found in three different files.

Required Properties

These properties provide the synchronization program access to source repository and its target sparqler repository.  In a normal installation, the two repositories run on the same node, indeed, within the same web-server (tomcat).  For security reasons it is not recommended for the same user-credentials to be used for both source-repository and sparqler.

In file

In file

Optional Properties

In file

Optional Properties governing scheduling of synchronization

The sparqler webapp automatically synchronizes itself with its source-repository on a regular schedule.  Various properties may be set in repository's home-directory's file  to modify the default behaviour of the scheduling.  

At repository startup, the sparqler waits until both itself and its source-repository are up and running, and then sets a repeating timer to run the synchronizer at regular intervals.