This section is intended for hub administrators only.  For the ACT network, the hubs have already been set up and hosted at Harvard Catalyst, and remote sites should skip this section.

Here is a sample shrine.conf file for a system running SHRINE 4.0.0 , for a node supporting researchers and distributing queries. 

shrine {

  shrineHubBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443" //The shrine hub's URL as observed from this tomcat server
  i2b2BaseUrl = "" //The local i2b2's URL as observed from this tomcat server
  i2b2Domain = "exampleDomain"
  i2b2ShrineProjectName = "SHRINE"

  nodeKey = "somethingHub" //node key to get information from the hub about itself as a node.

  //shrineDatabaseType = "mysql" // "mysql" by default. It can be "sqlserver" "mysql" or "oracle"

  webclient {
    siteAdminEmail = ""

  hiveCredentials {
    username = "demo"
    crcProjectId = "Demo"

  hub {
    create = true

    messagequeue {
      blockingqWebApi {
        enabled = true  //run shrine's MoM system at the hub.

  adapter {
    create = false

  keystore {
    privateKeyAlias = "shrine-hub"
    caCertAliases = ["shrine-ca"]

  steward {
    emailDataSteward {
      //provide the email address of the shrine node system admin, to handle bounces and invalid addresses
      from = ""
      //provide the email address of the shrine node system admin, to handle bounces and invalid addresses
      to = ""
      //provide the externally-reachable URL for the data steward
      externalStewardBaseUrl = ${shrine.shrineHubBaseUrl}/shrine-api/shrine-steward

 It is rare but possible to have a set of patient data at the hub. Simply include the adapter section of qep-and-adapter-shrine.conf in your shrine.conf , tailored to your system as explained earlier in this chapter.

Set the shrine i2b2 user password in the password.conf file in /opt/shrine/tomcat/lib .

shrine.hiveCredentials.password = "changeit"

Next, configure the initial network structures and queues for the hub.

Download the shrine network lifecycle tool into /opt/shrine:

cd /opt/shrine

wget -O shrine-network-lifecycle.zipunzip

cd shrine-network-lifecycle

Inside the conf directory, edit the override.conf file to use your database username and password:

shrine {
    audit {
      database {
        dataSourceFrom = "testDataSource" //Can be JNDI or testDataSource . Use testDataSource for tests and command line tools, JNDI everywhere else
        testDataSource {
          driverClassName = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" //JDBC driver class name
          url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/qepAuditDB?serverTimezone=UTC" //URL to your database
          credentials {
            username = "yourUserName"
            password = "yourDatabasePassword"

Next, create a file named network.conf to meet your needs. At a minimum include the network section and a section for the hub's QEP:

shrine {
  network {
    network {
      name = "Network Name"
      hubQueueName = "hub"
      adminEmail = ""
      momId = "HubQueue"
    nodes = [
        name = "Hub's QEP"
        key = "hub-qep"
        userDomainName = "network-hub"
        queueName = "shrinehub"
        sendQueries = "false"
        adminEmail = ""
        momId = "HubQepQueue"