Videos and Presentations from Meetup March 15, 2011

Harvard Club Directions

Community Progress and Roadmap Strawman

Andrew McMurry (CBMI, CHIP, I2B2)

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Keynote: "How to Run a Successful Open Source Project"

Dries Buytaert (Founder, Drupal)


Whitebox Topic 1: Hadoop In Action

Justin Quan  (CHIP, CarraNet)

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Slam Poetry: New Projects, Grand Opportunities

"Hello World" starts at home. Discover what is going on in your backyard and get involved the open source way. This year's slam highlights new Grand Opportunity Awards and cool new technology.

CarraNet: Dynamic Construction of Multiple Trust Overlay Networks

David Ortiz (CHIP, CarraNet)

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GARLIC: Genomic Analysis Results Library Integration Cell

Brian Wilson (I2B2)

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Substitutable Medical Apps, Reusable Technologies

Josh Mandel (CHIP, SMART)


DIY Learning: Mining Medical Free Text in Java

Learn the state of the art in mining doctor notes and research publications.
Talk will focus on the pros and cons of using regular expressions, word counts, and part of speech parsing trees. Examples will be given in Java so you can DIY.

Guergana Savova (CHIP Faculty)
Jiaping Zheng (CHIP)

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Whitebox Topic 2: "Write Once Parallelize Anywhere"

Luke Hutchison (TED Fellow and MIT PhD student)

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Panel: Open Source Partnerships

How can we further strength our partnerships with Open Source companies?

Eclipse Foundation
Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director 

Recombinant Data Corp
Dan Housman, Co-Founder

Stan Wysocki, Sr. Sales Exec


Special Presentation from Eclipse Director
Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director


  • Inga etiketter