Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. You will need to add a new code block within the main shrine {} block:

    Code Block
    messagequeue {
    	blockingq {
    		serverUrl = “https://shrine_hub_url:6443/shrine-metadata/mom”
  2. Please take note that the database profile class names have changed: 

    1. slick.driver.MySQLDriver$ to slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$ 

    2. slick.driver.H2Profile$ to slick.jdbc.H2Profile$ 

    3. slick.driver.PostgresProfile$ to slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$ 

    4. slick.driver.SQLServerProfile$ to slick.jdbc.SQLServerProfile$ 

    5. slick.driver.JdbcProfile$ to slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile$

    6. slick.driver.OracleProfile$ to slick.jdbc.OracleProfile$
  3. Add externalStewardBaseUrl to the 'emailDataSteward' section under the steward {} block:
    1. externalStewardBaseUrl = "https://your_shrine_url:port/steward"


Sample SHRINE configuration file (for a downstream node)


Code Block
shrine {
  pmEndpoint {
    url = "http://i2b2_node_url:9090/i2b2/services/PMService/getServices"
  ontEndpoint {
    url = "http://i2b2_node_url:9090/i2b2/services/OntologyService"
  hiveCredentials {
    domain = "i2b2demo"
    username = "demo"
    password = "demouser"
    crcProjectId = "Demo"
    ontProjectId = "SHRINE"

  messagequeue {
    blockingq {
        serverUrl = ""
  breakdownResultOutputTypes {
      description = "Age patient breakdown"
      description = "Race patient breakdown"
      description = "Vital Status patient breakdown"
      description = "Gender patient breakdown"

  queryEntryPoint {
    create = true
    audit {
      collectQepAudit = false
      database {
        dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
        jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/qepAuditDB"
        slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
    trustModelIsHub = true
    attachSigningCert = true
    authenticationType = "pm"
    authorizationType = "shrine-steward"

    shrineSteward {
      qepUserName = "qep"
      qepPassword = "trustme"
      stewardBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443"

      includeAggregateResults = false
      maxQueryWaitTime {
        minutes = 5

    broadcasterServiceEndpoint {
        url = ""
  } //end queryEntryPoint

  adapter {
    create = true
    audit {
      collectAdapterAudit = false
      database {
        dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
        jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/adapterAuditDB"
        slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$" 

    crcEndpoint {
      url = "http://i2b2_node_url:9090/i2b2/services/QueryToolService"

    adapterLockoutAttemptsThreshold = 0
    setSizeObfuscation = true
    adapterMappingsFileName = "AdapterMappings.csv"

    maxSignatureAge {
      minutes = 5

    immediatelyRunIncomingQueries = true

  } // end adapter

    networkStatusQuery = "\\\\SHRINE\\SHRINE\\Demographics\\Gender\\Male\\"
    humanReadableNodeName = "Harvard Test Node"
    shrineDatabaseType = "mysql"

    keystore {
      file = "/opt/shrine/shrine.keystore"
      password = "password"
      privateKeyAlias = "privateKeyAlias"
      keyStoreType = "JKS"
      caCertAliases = ["shrine-hub-ca"]

    problem {
      problemHandler = "net.shrine.problem.LogAndDatabaseProblemHandler$"
      database {
    	dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
    	jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/problemDB"
    	slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"

  dashboard {
    happyBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/happy"
    statusBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/internalstatus"

    database {
      dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
      jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/problemDB"
      slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
  } //end dashboard

    status {
      permittedHostOfOrigin = "localhost"

    squerylDataSource {
      database {
        dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
        jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/shrineDB"

    authenticate {
      usersource {
        domain = "i2b2demo"

  steward {
    createTopicsMode = Approved

    emailDataSteward {
      sendAuditEmails = false  //false to turn off the whole works of emailing the data steward      //interval = "1 day" //Audit researchers daily
      //timeAfterMidnight = "6 hours" //Audit researchers at 6 am. If the interval is less than 1 day then this delay is ignored.
      //maxQueryCountBetweenAudits = 30 //If a researcher runs more than this many queries since the last audit audit her
      //minTimeBetweenAudits = "30 days" //If a researcher runs at least one query, audit those queries if this much time has passed
      //You must provide the email address of the shrine node system admin, to handle bounces and invalid addresses
      //from = ""
      //You must provide the email address of the data steward
      //to = ""
      //subject = "Audit SHRINE researchers"
      //The baseUrl for the data steward to be substituted in to email text. Must be supplied if it is used in the email text.
      //stewardBaseUrl = ""
      //externalStewardBaseUrl = ""
      //Text to use for the email audit.
      //AUDIT_LINES will be replaced by a researcherLine for each researcher to audit.
      //STEWARD_BASE_URL will be replaced by the value in stewardBaseUrl if available.
      //emailBody = """Please audit the following users at STEWARD_BASE_URL at your earliest convinience: AUDIT_LINES"""
      //note that this can be a multiline message
      //Text to use per researcher to audit.
      //FULLNAME, USERNAME, COUNT and LAST_AUDIT_DATE will be replaced with appropriate text.
      //researcherLine = "FULLNAME (USERNAME) has run COUNT queries since LAST_AUDIT_DATE."

    database {
      dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
      jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/stewardDB"
      slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
  } // end steward

  email {
} // end shrine section

Changes to i2b2 PM cell database



Code Block
bash-4.1$ psql
postgres=# \c i2b2pm
i2b2pm=# \d+ pm_user_login
                           Table "public.pm_user_login"
    Column     |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Description
 user_id       | character varying(50)       | not null  | extended |
 attempt_cd    | character varying(50)       | not null  | extended |
 entry_date    | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |
 changeby_char | character varying(50)       |           | extended |
 status_cd     | character varying(50)       |           | extended |
    "pm_user_login_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (entry_date, user_id)
Has OIDs: no
i2b2pm=# ALTER TABLE "pm_user_login" DROP CONSTRAINT "pm_user_login_pkey" ;
i2b2pm=# \d+ pm_user_login
                           Table "public.pm_user_login"
    Column     |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Description
 user_id       | character varying(50)       | not null  | extended |
 attempt_cd    | character varying(50)       | not null  | extended |
 entry_date    | timestamp without time zone | not null  | plain    |
 changeby_char | character varying(50)       |           | extended |
 status_cd     | character varying(50)       |           | extended |
Has OIDs: no


Allow for Many More Types of Status from the i2b2 CRC

Change the shrine_query_history's QUERY_RESULT's status column's type from an enum to a text field to accommodate many more types from the i2b2 CRC. This will allow some results previously interpreted as errors to be interpreted as QUEUED. See SHRINE-2715.


For Mysql:


mysql> use shrine_query_history;
mysql> alter table QUERY_RESULT change status status varchar(30) not null;


For Oracle:


-- To find the constraint name on the status column:
-- To drop that constraint:
ALTER TABLE QUERY_RESULT DROP CONSTRAINT <constraint_name_for_status>;


For MS SQL Server:


USE shrine_query_history;
-- To find the constraint name on the status column:
-- To drop that constraint:
ALTER TABLE QUERY_RESULT DROP CONSTRAINT <constraint_name_for_status>;


Changes to the context.xml file


You will need to add the line “dist/shrine.bundle.js” and remove or comment out the other three js files.

Sample SHRINE configuration file (for a downstream node)

Code Block
shrine {
  pmEndpoint {
    url = "http://i2b2_node_url:9090/i2b2/services/PMService/getServices"
  ontEndpoint {
    url = "http://i2b2_node_url:9090/i2b2/services/OntologyService"
  hiveCredentials {
    domain = "i2b2demo"
    username = "demo"
    password = "demouser"
    crcProjectId = "Demo"
    ontProjectId = "SHRINE"

  messagequeue {
    blockingq {
        serverUrl = "https://shrine_hub_url:6443/shrine-metadata/mom"
  breakdownResultOutputTypes {
      description = "Age patient breakdown"
      description = "Race patient breakdown"
      description = "Vital Status patient breakdown"
      description = "Gender patient breakdown"

  queryEntryPoint {
    create = true
    audit {
      collectQepAudit = false
      database {
        dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
        jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/qepAuditDB"
        slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
    trustModelIsHub = true
    attachSigningCert = true
    authenticationType = "pm"
    authorizationType = "shrine-steward"

    shrineSteward {
      qepUserName = "qep"
      qepPassword = "trustme"
      stewardBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443"

      includeAggregateResults = false
      maxQueryWaitTime {
        minutes = 5

    broadcasterServiceEndpoint {
        url = "https://shrine_hub_url:6443/shrine/rest/broadcaster/broadcast"
  } //end queryEntryPoint

  adapter {
    create = true
    audit {
      collectAdapterAudit = false
      database {
        dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
        jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/adapterAuditDB"
        slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$" 

    crcEndpoint {
      url = "http://i2b2_node_url:9090/i2b2/services/QueryToolService"

    adapterLockoutAttemptsThreshold = 0
    setSizeObfuscation = true
    adapterMappingsFileName = "AdapterMappings.csv"

    maxSignatureAge {
      minutes = 5

    immediatelyRunIncomingQueries = true

  } // end adapter

    networkStatusQuery = "\\\\SHRINE\\SHRINE\\Demographics\\Gender\\Male\\"
    humanReadableNodeName = "Harvard Test Node"
    shrineDatabaseType = "mysql"

    keystore {
      file = "/opt/shrine/shrine.keystore"
      password = "password"
      privateKeyAlias = "privateKeyAlias"
      keyStoreType = "JKS"
      caCertAliases = ["shrine-hub-ca"]

    problem {
      problemHandler = "net.shrine.problem.LogAndDatabaseProblemHandler$"
      database {
    	dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
    	jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/problemDB"
    	slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"

  dashboard {
    happyBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/happy"
    statusBaseUrl = "https://localhost:6443/shrine/rest/internalstatus"

    database {
      dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
      jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/problemDB"
      slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
  } //end dashboard

    status {
      permittedHostOfOrigin = "localhost"

    squerylDataSource {
      database {
        dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
        jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/shrineDB"

    authenticate {
      usersource {
        domain = "i2b2demo"

  steward {
    createTopicsMode = Approved 

    emailDataSteward {
      sendAuditEmails = false  //false to turn off the whole works of emailing the data steward      //interval = "1 day" //Audit researchers daily
      //timeAfterMidnight = "6 hours" //Audit researchers at 6 am. If the interval is less than 1 day then this delay is ignored.
      //maxQueryCountBetweenAudits = 30 //If a researcher runs more than this many queries since the last audit audit her
      //minTimeBetweenAudits = "30 days" //If a researcher runs at least one query, audit those queries if this much time has passed
      //You must provide the email address of the shrine node system admin, to handle bounces and invalid addresses
      //from = ""
      //You must provide the email address of the data steward
      //to = ""
      //subject = "Audit SHRINE researchers"
      //The baseUrl for the data steward to be substituted in to email text. Must be supplied if it is used in the email text.
      //stewardBaseUrl = ""
      //Text to use for the email audit.
      //AUDIT_LINES will be replaced by a researcherLine for each researcher to audit.
      //STEWARD_BASE_URL will be replaced by the value in stewardBaseUrl if available.
      //emailBody = """Please audit the following users at STEWARD_BASE_URL at your earliest convinience: AUDIT_LINES"""
      //note that this can be a multiline message
      //Text to use per researcher to audit.
      //FULLNAME, USERNAME, COUNT and LAST_AUDIT_DATE will be replaced with appropriate text.
      //researcherLine = "FULLNAME (USERNAME) has run COUNT queries since LAST_AUDIT_DATE."

    database {
      dataSourceFrom = "JNDI"
      jndiDataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/stewardDB"
      slickProfileClassName = "slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile$"
  } // end steward

  email {
} // end shrine section
