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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

This Install Guide is for programmers looking to extend/develop the SHRIMP code.
If you only need an INSTANCE of shrimp, please see our DEMO site or ask the SHRIMP mailing lists.

Intended Audience

Rails experience is required to get SHRIMP up and running.


SHRIMP was developed on Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.2.2.  Other versions may work but I have not tested them.  Mysql is required along with mysql gem.  (again, other db's MIGHT work, but there is a fair amount of custom sql in the source that may be MySQL specific) Installation could be streamlined, but I wanted to get it delivered today.


1.)  Unzip SHRIMP wherever you want the app to live
2.)  Create a database.yml file at $SHRIMP_HOME/config/database.yml

3.)  rake db:create
4.)  rake db:migrate
5.)  rake db:fixtures:load

Code Block
INSERT INTO shrimp_usernames (user_id, username) VALUES ($USER_ID, "shrimpadmin");
INSERT INTO shrimp_authorizations VALUES (user_id, role) VALUES ($USER_ID, "test"); 

6.)  start your rails server (if running installed mongrel: ruby script/server)
7.)  Open your web browser and see if it's running (if running locally: http://localhost:3000)
8.)  Add a default admin user to the database:

Code Block
INSERT INTO shrimp_users (fname, lname) VALUES ("test", "test"); 

9.)  Log into SHRIMP with username "shrimpadmin" and any non-blank password
10.)  From here, you can create a new user and username for yourself and give yourself admin privileges
11.)  Once you've given yourself admin privileges, be sure to delete the test, test user we created in step 8.