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eagle-i software is predicated upon the principle of ontology layering. Applications are driven by an application layer ontology that complements and annotates a domain ontology. An application layer ontology encapsulates the specifics of the software behavior and is not meant to be reusable in and of itself, in contrast to a domain ontology. The domain ontology used in the current eagle-i stack is the ERO (eagle-i resource ontology), as derived from the ISF (Integrated Semantic Framework). The layering principle is shown in the figure below, and is applicable to other domain ontologies. Wiki Markup\[picture\]

The runtime memory model that represents the ontology to the applications is built by loading the domain and application ontologies and applying the filters described in the application ontology.


interpreting the annotations in different ways. The memory model is organized as a core model fully stored in memory and a collection of referenced taxonomy models stored in Solr indexes for rapid access.

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Important files

  • eagle-i-app-def.owl




  • contains axioms that define the basic annotation vocabulary (classes and properties




Object properties

These behave as annotation properties, i.e. they appear in triples where the subject is an owl class or an owl property. However their predicate is always an individual of type ClassGroup or PropertyGroup, hence they are declared as object properties.

inClassGroup => range is ClassGroup
inPropertyGroup => range is PropertyGroup

Individuals of type ClassGroup



Usage in software


classes that are not to be included in the eagle-i model. For example, upper ontology classes.

When the memory model is built, these classes are ignored


classes of which instances are created in the eagle-i repository. In other words, the only asserted types in the eagle-i repository are classes that belong to this group.

Appear under "Resource Types" in the ontology browser.
Drive the creation of pull down lists in SWEET forms


classes that are considered an eagle-i primary type - they represent biomedical research resources (as opposed to ancillary types needed for describing biomedical research resources). Note that all primary types must be in the InstanceCreate group, but some classes in the instanceCreate group are not considered primary by the eagle-i software because they do not represent research resources (e.g. Document, Person, Organization)

Drives the SWEET left bar
Drives (mostly) the Search left bar (exception is Core Laboratory)
Drives Search categories in autosuggest


classes whose instances only have significance when associated to an instance of another "containing"class (e.g. construct insert -> construct). In an eagle-i repository, instances of embedded classes are never shared among instances of containing classes there exist a one to one correspondance embedded instance -> containing instance

Appear under "Embedded Types" in the glossary.
Appear in SWEET forms as a sub-form of the main form


If a class belongs to this group, it will never have asserted instances in the eagle-i repository - these are typically logical definitions that should only be inferred

The SWEET prevents users from directly assigning a one of these types when creating a resource


Classes that are only used for annotating a resource (as opposed to having instances created). Note that the data is produced with these classes used as instances - in other words, triples exist that have the class URI as a predicate (punning)

Appear under "Referenced Taxonomies" in the ontology browser. 
Drive the "annotation" pull down hierarchies in SWEET forms




Individuals of type PropertyGroup


Annotation properties 



  • ). 
  • ero-app.owl serves as a root for the software loading mechanism. It provides the chain of imports - if an owl file is reachable directly or indirectly from this file via an owl:import statement, it will be loaded as part of the core model. It is a configurable parameter in the software.
  • Files named *-app.owl contain the axioms that annotate the domain ontologies. There is typically one app file per domain owl file (e.g. disease-imports-app.owl, disease-imports.owl)
    • Note that ero-app.owl serves this purpose for the ero.owl file. 
    • (describe mechanism for loading referenced taxonomy files into solr)

Requirements of *-app.owl files

  • Every app file must declare an ontology IRI
  • Every app file must declare an ontology version
  • Every app file must import its corresponding domain owl file