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These are defined in eagle-i-app-def.owl.

Annotation Properties

Annotaton Property LabelProperty IRIDescriptionProperty Value
InClassGroup to group classes in the eagle-i ontology into different groups according to how they can be used in various application logic (i.e. data entry and search UIs).The value of the property is an instance of (documented in separate table below)
InPropertyGroup to group object and datatype properties in the eagle-i ontology into different groups according to how they can be used in various application logic (i.e. data entry and search UIs).The value of the property is an instance of
eagle-i preferred label the preferred display label to be used in eagle-i applications. Supersedes any other display label.A free text string (capitalized) representing the label to appear in the application UI.
eagle-i preferred definition to hold a preferred definition for display in UI (as tool tips, or in glosaryglossary) that overrides definitions provided in ero.owl or in imported ontolgiesontologies.A free text string representing the definitiion definition to appear in the application UI.
eagle-i referenced taxonomy IRI to identify the IRI of the ontology containing subclasses of a reference taxonomy root class.The IRI of the referenced ontology file, e.g.
eagle-i domain constraint to define what classes are allowed to be in the domain for the property - overrides any delcaration declaration of domain as a logical axiom.Each annotation will contain the URI of one class.
eagle-i range constraint to define what classes are allowed to be in the range for the property - overrides any delcaration declaration of range as a logical axiom.Each annotation will contain the URI of one class.

Annotation Individuals

Individual LabelIndividual IRIDescriptionRole in Software
InClassGroup Values   
Class Instance Create used to identify classes that can have instances (i.e. asserted types in the eagle-i repository)Appear under "Resource Types" in the ontology browser. 
Drive the creation of pull down lists in SWEET forms
Class Primary Resource Type

Value used to identify classes

for which primary eagle-i resource instances are collected

that are considered eagle-i primary types - they represent biomedical research resources (as opposed to ancillary types needed for describing biomedical research resources). Note that all primary types must be in the InstanceCreate group, but some classes in the instanceCreate group are not considered primary by the eagle-i software because they do not represent research resources (e.g.

the nine primary types not including organizations or people).

Document, Person, Organization)

**Primary resource classes need both an instance create annotation as well as a Class Primary Resource Type annotation.**

Drives the SWEET and Search left bars
Class Embedded Resource Type

Value used to identify the classes for which instances are created that can have one and only one referencing instance


. These only have significance in the context of their containing instance, and won't appear directly as search results


. In an eagle-i repository, instances of embedded classes are never shared among instances of containing classes, i.e. there exist a one to one correspondence: embedded instance <-> containing instance

**Embedded resource classes need both an instance create annotation as well as a Class Embedded Resource Type annotation.**

Appear under "Embedded Types" in the glossary. 
Appear in SWEET forms as a sub-form of the main form
Class Referenced Taxonomy used to identify classes for which we don't allow creation of instances (, but rather serve as roots of hierarchies of classes used as values for properties that descripe describe a resource. In the eagle-i ontology, classes in this group will directly appear as objects in triples (punning). Any class marked with this indivodual individual cannot be an instance create, primary resource, or embedded resource class.Appear under "Referenced Taxonomies" in the ontology browser.  
Drive the "book icon" hierarchies in SWEET forms
Class Global used to identify classes whose instances are/can be globals.Drives behavior of SWEET pull down menus (classes in this group will be fetched from a global repository cache)
Class No Asserted Instances classes for which instances won't be allowed to be directly asserted . ((an instance's inclusion in such classes is typically inferred downstream). Currently for most equivalent classes)..The SWEET prevents users from directly assigning a one of these types when creating a resource
Class Data Model Exclude used to identify classes that should be excluded from the data model. Used primarily for classes from general upper ontologies that we don’t want to be displayed in the apps. 
Class Resource Provider used to identify organizations that can provide resources.Drives SWEET behavior - resources can only be added to resource providing classes will allow
Class Search Flatten used to identify classes whose properties would be flatten to their referecing referencing instances in search.Drives indexing in Search
Class Transferable Resource Type used to identify classes of primary eagle-i resource instances that can be shipped across labsDrives display of different types of "share" buttons in Search result pages
InPropertyGroup Values   
Property Primary Property used to identify properties that will be displayed in the first block of properties for a resource.Drives order of display of properties in both SWEET and Search
Property Secondary Property used to identify properties that will be displayed in the second block of properties for a resource.Drives order of display of properties in both SWEET and Search
Property Tertiary Property used to identify properties that will be displayed in the third block of properties for a resource.Drives order of display of properties in both SWEET and Search
Property Data Model Exclude for properties that should be excluded from the data model. **Important to use on any property that we don’t isnt is not to be used to collect data in the app.** 
Property Data Collection Exclude used to identify properties that should not be used for data collection.CURRENTLY NOT USED
Property Resource Provider used to identify properties that is used to identify the relationship with a lab.Drives the behavior of different "location" properties in SWEET
Property Admin Data used to identify properties that are not meant for public consumption, e.g. application-specific administrative metadata, private comments.Used by the Repository to hide properties for published resources (but show them to authenticated users)
Property Contact Location used to identify properties about contact information that must hidden by default when hiding mode is engaged.Used by the Repository to hide properties for published resources (but show them to authenticated users)
Property Search Facet for object properties identifying advance search filters.CURRENTLY NOT USED
Property Local Property used to identify properties specific to individual eagle-i deployments.