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This section explains how to write the Spin plug-in used to implement a query and provides client code that can be used to perform this query remotely.


System Requirements

  • Sun/Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.6.0_04 or later.  Other JDKs, including OpenJDK, are not supported but will likely work.
  • Apache Maven 2.2.1. Maven 3.x is not supported, but will likely work. (Required to build SPIIN and the example module)


Code Block

@XmlType(name = "AddResult", namespace = "")

@XmlRootElement(name = "AddResult", namespace = "")

final case class AddResult(val sum: Int) {

    //JAXB requires a no-arg constructor; can be private

    def this() = this(0)


You can use SPIN's JAXBUtils class to serialize an instance into a String:

Code Block
final class AddQueryAction extends JAXBQueryAction(classOf[AddInput]) {

    //Take an AddInput, and return an XML-serialized AddResult

    override def perform(context: QueryContext, input: AddInput): String = {
        val sum = input.toAdd.sum

        val result = new AddResult(input.toAdd.sum)




Make a node that loads your query


Code Block
 object Config {

    //The human-readable name of the node we will create; purely descriptive

    val nodeName = "AddNode"

    //Some dummy credentials for submitting queries with

    val credentials = new Credentials("CBMI", "some-user", "some-password")

    //Method that returns a SpinClientConfig with all necessary fields set to enable

    //querying the passed -in node

    def spinClientConfigFor(node: SpinNode) = {

        val nodeConnectorSource = registerAsLocalSource(nodeConnectorSourceFor(node))

        val entryPoint = new EndpointConfig(EndpointType.Local, nodeName)



    //Nodes may participate in one or more overlay networks, called peer groups.  By belonging to more

    //than one peer group, the same node can exist at different points in different logical network topologies.

    val peerGroupName = "AddPeerGroup"

    //An empty, dummy, routing table.  Defines one peer group, 'AddPeerGroup' that only the node

    //we will create belongs to.

    val routingTableConfig = new RoutingTableConfig(new PeerGroupConfig(peerGroupName))

    //The QueryType name that will map to the AddQueryAction class.  Clients specify which query they would

    //like to perform by specifying a QueryType.

    val queryType = "Spin.Add"

    //Create a NodeConfig with default values for its fields, and a mapping between the QueryType 'Spin.Add' and

    //an instance of AddQueryAction

    val nodeConfig = NodeConfig.Default.withQuery(new QueryTypeConfig(queryType, classOf[AddQueryAction].getName))

    //Needed to enable locating node instances when making in-JVM queries

    private def nodeConnectorSourceFor(node: SpinNode) = new NodeConnectorSource {

        override def getNodeConnector(endpoint: EndpointConfig, timeoutPeriod: Long): NodeConnector = NodeConnector.instance(node)


     //Needed to enable locating node instances when making in-JVM queries

    private def registerAsLocalSource(source: NodeConnectorSource): NodeConnectorSource = {

        NodeOperationFactory.addMapping(EndpointType.Local, source)




 Here is a higher-level wrapper that makes use of the information from Config to synchronously send a query to a node and get the results:

Code Block
final class AddClient(client: SpinClient) {

    //Init with the in-JVM node we're going to query

    def this(toBeQueried: SpinNode) = this(new SpinClient(Config.spinClientConfigFor(toBeQueried)))

    //Take a bunch of ints, return an Option of their sum, or None if there was an error.

    def query(intsToBeAdded: Seq[Int]): Option[Int] = {

        //method to extract the first (and in this case, only) Result from a ResultSet

        def firstAddResult(resultSet: ResultSet) = JAXBUtils.unmarshal(resultSet.getResults.head.getPayload.getData, classOf[AddResult])

        try {

            //Actually make the query

            val resultSet = client.query(Config.peerGroupName, Config.queryType, new AddInput(intsToBeAdded))


            //Inspect the results, and extract the first (only) one

            if(resultSet.size > 0) Some(firstAddResult(resultSet).sum) else None


        catch {

            case e: TimeoutException => { println("Timed out waiting for query to complete: " + e.getMessage) ; e.printStackTrace(System.err) ; None }

            case e: Exception => { println("Error making query: " + e.getMessage) ; e.printStackTrace(System.err) ; None}



    private def log(resultSet: ResultSet) {

        val expectedString = Option(resultSet.getTotalExpected).map(_.toString).getOrElse("?")

        val completeString = if(resultSet.isComplete) "complete" else "incomplete"

        println("(" + completeString + ": " + resultSet.size + "/" + expectedString + " results)")



 Here is a main method that ties it all together:

Code Block
object Main {

    def main(args: Array[String]) = {

        //Create a node to query; once instantiated, it is ready to be queried

        val node = new SpinNodeImpl(new CertID("123456789", "some-node"), //arbitrary ID

                                    Config.nodeConfig, //pre-made config, references AddQueryAction

                                    RoutingTableConfigSources.withConfigObject(Config.routingTableConfig)) //pre-made config, contains one peer group

        //Create a client pointing at that node

        val client = new AddClient(node)

        val prompt = "Add> "

        val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

        println("Enter a list of numbers to be summed, separated by spaces or commas")

        println("Enter quit to exit")


        var line = in.readLine

        while(line != null) {

            //Shut down cleanly if requested

            if(line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")) {





            if(!line.isEmpty) {

                //Split each line on non-numeric chars, and turn the chunks into ints

                val numbers = line.trim.split("[^\\d]+").map(Integer.parseInt)

                //Query the node we made earlier

                val queryResult = client.query(numbers)

                //Print the results

                println( => "Received: '" + result + "'").getOrElse("Query failed"))



            line = in.readLine




Running this will create an in-JVM Spin node and configure it to respond to the 'Spin.Add' QueryType using an AddQueryAction instance; create a client that queries that node and performs queries in response to user input.  These examples are available at:


Code Block
val entrypoint = new EndpointConfig(EndpointType.SOAP, "http://localhost:8080/examples/node")

 val config = SpinClientConfig.Default.withEntryPoint(entrypoint)

 val client = new SpinClient(config)


A SpinClient with the default configuration will attempt to sign all outgoing queries, which means that a certificate with a private key part must be available.  (TODO: Spin certificate management)

Testing in a Servlet Container


Code Block
<definitions targetNamespace="http://org.spin.node/">


















From the examples-war module, run the class org.spin.examples.Test.  It has a main method that will connect to a Spin node running in a servlet container that's configured to expose the AddQueryAction class from the examples-scala module.
