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A set of annotation properties and individuals created specifically to guide application functionality live in the application layer of the eagle-i ontologies (specifically in the eagle-i-app-def.owl file). These are used to create annotation axioms on classes and properties that also live in the eagle-i application layer. These annotation properties individuals and axioms function solely to guide application behavior.These tables


Tables that define the eagle-i application annotation properties and individuals, respectively, and describe conventions for their use can be found here: Table of Annotation Properties and Individuals. The InClassGroup and InPropertyGroup annotation properties hold owl:individual IRIs as values, each of which guides a distinct application function as detailed in the table and below.

Conventions for Using Application Annotations


1) File location of axioms driving application functionality. As noted above, all axioms created using these properties and individuals should live in the appropriate application layer ontology file. Conventions for different properties are detailed below, but generally speaking, there is an application layer file paired with each domain file, and annotations on content in a given domain ontology file should live in the respective application file.  

In addition to these annotation properties, logical domain and range restriction axioms are also consumed by the application logic. These axioms should live in the domain layer where the restriction is generally true and re-usable. But if the restriction is too narrowly defined for a given property domain or range in order to drive the desired application behavior, this axiom can live in the application layer. Alternatively, the eagle-i domain constraint or eagle-i range constraint annotation properties can be used to restrict domain and ranges using annotation axioms for such cases




Note: If contradicting restrictions exist in both the domain and application layers, the app layer annotations are dominant.


3) Inheritance of Application Annotation Axioms. Generally speaking, InPropertyGroup annotation axioms are not inherited by descendent properties. By contrast, InClassGroup annotations are inherited by descendent classes, and therefore do not need to be repeated. So if a descendent of a class previously defined as a referenced taxonomy root with a InClassGroup annotation is set as the range of another property (and thus made the root of a sub-referenced taxonomy), this root class does not need an additional InClassGroup Class Referenced Taxonomy axiom. But eagle-i referenced taxonomy IRI annotations are not inherited, so this descendent taxonomy root would still need an eagle-i Reference Taxonomy IRI annotation axiom pointing to the owl file where the root class lives.  





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