Versions Compared


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Download the samples from the examples directory and edit to reflect your environment. Please pay attention to the instructions in the file. Place the three files in the configuration directory (defined in step 1 of the the Initial Procedure for all Applications section)


Instructions specific to SWEET

  1. Download the SWEET war file from our Software download page (choosing the version you need, usually you will want the latest release) and place in a temporary location, e.g. /tmp. Rename the war to sweet.war and place it in your Tomcat webapps directory:
    Code Block
    mv /tmp/eagle-i-webapp-sweet-[version].war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/sweet.war
  2. Make sure the property eaglei.datatools.repository.url is set in, to reflect the base address of your repository installation. Note that the URL must be an https URL, for example:
    Code Block
  3. Restart Tomcat
  4. SWEET will be available at:
    Code Block
  5. Log in as one of the test users created as part of the Initial Steps for all Applications and explore the SWEET. You can invoke the user help from the link on the top right hand corner.


  1. Download the Institutional search war file from our Software download page (choosing the version you need, usually you will want the latest release) and place in a temporary location, e.g. /tmp. Rename the war to institution.war and place it in your Tomcat webapps directory:
    Code Block
    mv /tmp/eagle-i-webapp-institution-[version].war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/institution.war
  2. Make sure the files and  whoami.xml reflect your institution's configuration
  3. Optional: set up a database for logging search activity
    1. Create a database named searchlogdb (refer to the MySQL manual)
    2. Uncomment the asynchronous logging properties in and and edit the latter to reflect your database credentials
  4. Restart Tomcat
  5. Institutional search will be available at:
    Code Block
  6. Log in as one of the test users created in the Initial Procedure Steps for all Applications and explore the search application.

Instructions specific to


Online help

  1. Download the online help war file from our Software download page (choosing the version you need, usually you will want the latest release) and place in a temporary location, e.g. /tmp. Rename the war to help.war and place it in your Tomcat webapps directory:
    Code Block
    mv /tmp/eagle-i-webapp-model-[version].war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/help.war
  2. Restart Tomcat
  3. The online help browser will be available at: 
    Code Block
    The online help is also linked from the SWEET and institutional search menus (top right corner menu)

Upgrade procedure

To upgrade the SWEET, institutional search Institutional Search an online Online help applications, follow these simple steps: #Stop

  1. Stop Tomcat.


  1. Delete the wars from ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps:
    Code Block
    cd ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps
    rm -rf sweet* institution* help*


  1. Download the desired release of the three application wars and copy into ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps, as described in the installation sections above.


  1. Refer to the release notes for possible property files changes (this is uncommon)


  1. Start Tomcat.


  1. Navigate to the application URLs and verify the updated release number in the footer.