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Table of Contents

Once you have an eagle-i repository to talk to (see repository installation and administration guide), installing the rest of the eagle-i suite applications is relatively straightforward.


Initial Procedure for all Applications

  1. Create some a few repository users
    Log in as an administrator to your eagle-i repository at https://your.server/repository/admin . Navigate to the Manage User Accounts page and create the following users:
    1. an anonymous user with no roles, to be used by the search application
    2. a sample user with Resource Navigator role (to collect data)
    3. a sample user with Curator role (to curate and publish data)
  2. Create eagle-i application home and configuration directory
    Create a directory to place eagle-i application data and configuration files. You may want to reuse part of the path used when installing the eagle-i repository. For example, if you installed the repository in {{ /opt/eaglei/repo}}, you would define the application home as /opt/eaglei  
    Code Block
    mkdir /opt/eaglei/conf
  3. edit 
    Open the file ${CATALINA_HOME/conf/ in your favorite text editor. 
    Add the eagle-i configuration directory to the common class loader. Note that should already have a common.loader definition, you only need to add the eagle-i configuration directory, for example:
    Code Block
    Add the definition of the eagle-i home property, where the conf directory was created. This needs to be the full path, without using variables, for example:
    Code Block


  1. Dowlload the sample file from the examples directory and place it in the eagle-i configuration directory (defined in step 1 of the Initial Procedure for all Applications section). This file contains the URL of the repository where data will be entered. Edit it to reflect your installation (note that the URL must ba an https URL and include the port number)
  2. Download the SWEET war file from our Software download page (choosing the version you need, usually you will want the latest release) and place in a temporary location, e.g. /tmp. Rename the war to sweet.war and place it in your Tomcat webapps directory:
    Code Block
    mv /tmp/eagle-i-webapp-sweet-[version].war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/sweet.war
  3. Restart Tomcat
  4. SWEET will be available at:
    Code Block
  5. Log in as one of the test users created in the Initial Procedure for all Applications and explore the SWEET. You can invoke the user help from the link on the top right hand corner.

Instructions specific to Institutional Search as of release 1.6MS1 (10/28/2011)

  1. Download the sample whoami.xml file from the examples directory and place it in the eagle-i configuration directory (defined in step 1 of the Initial Procedure for all Applications). Edit this file to reflect your institution's information. Please pay attention to the instructions in the file.
  2. Download the Institutional search war file from our Software download page (choosing the version you need, usually you will want the latest release) and place in a temporary location, e.g. /tmp. Rename the war to institution.war and place it in your Tomcat webapps directory:
    Code Block
    mv /tmp/eagle-i-webapp-institution-[version].war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/institution.war
  3. Optional: set up a database for logging search activity
    1. Create a database named searchlogdb (refer to the MySQL manual)
    2. Dowlload the sample file from the examples directory and place it in the eagle-i configuration directory (defined in step 1 of the initial procedure for all applications). Edit it to reflect your MySQL user name and password.
  4. Restart Tomcat
  5. Institutional search will be available at:
    Code Block
  6. Log in as one of the test users created in the Initial Procedure for all Applications and explore the search application. You can invoke the user help from the link on the top right hand corner.


Instructions specific to the ontology browser


  1. Download the


  1. ontology browser war file from our Software download page (choosing the version you need, usually you will want the latest release) and place in a temporary location, e.g. /tmp. Rename the war to model.war and place it in your Tomcat webapps directory:
    Code Block
    mv /tmp/eagle-i-webapp-model-[version].war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/model.war
  2. Restart


  1. Tomcat
  2. The ontology browser will be available at:
    Code Block