Versions Compared


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You can find examples of this files located:

Node.xml contains miscellaneous node-wide configuration information, such as the node's role in the network. The configuration identifies if the node performs the following tasks:

  •         Authenticates users
  •         Broadcasts queries
  •         Aggregates responses
  •         Performs queries
  •         Routes incoming and outgoing messages

Node.xml also contains various values for thresholds and timeouts. You can view an example node.xml at: Removed


Node.xml Configuration Properties

The order of the elements in the configuration file is important. Properties are required or optional.

Required Node Configuration Properties

Version and the node name are the only required properties.


Describes the human-readable version of SPIN on which this node is running. (This field is deprecated and will go away in future SPIN versions.)


Describes the human-readable node name, such as Harvard Eagle-I (production).

Node.xml contains the following optional Optional elements.

If these elements are omitted, the defaults apply.


Can this node authenticate users?

Default: False


Should this node propagate the queries it receives to other nodes.

Default: True

 <isAggregator> <isAggregator>

Identifies if this node should aggregate responses from other nodes.

Default: False, if the node is not the root of a heierarchy, otherwise true.


Identifies if this node should respond to queries. 

Default: True. Set to false if the node should only broadcast queries and aggregate results, for example.


Identifies the fully-qualified name of the JVM class used to authenticate users based on credentials. Only required if <isAuthenticator> is true.  The supplied class, if present, must implement org.spin.query.message.identity.IdentityService.

Default: Null


Identifies the queries, other than the basic queries, to which nodes respond. Each maps a queryType string to the fully-qualified name of a JVM class that implements that query. For each <queries> element, the <queryType> and <className> sub-elements are required. May be present zero or more times. 


You will find an example of node.xml at: Removed

Step 4: Create and configure routingtable.xml.


Identifies the URL of the referenced node's WSDL, such as Removed

You can find an example routingtable.xml file at
