Versions Compared


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  1. Wiki Markup
    Download the eagle-i repository distribution package, {{eagle-i-repository-dist-\[version\].zip}}
  2. Establish a repository home directory, such as /opt/eaglei/repo and set an environment variable ${REPO_HOME}. Unzip the distribution package to this location
  3. Copy ${REPO_HOME}/webapps/ROOT.war to Tomcat's webapps directory
  4. Configure Tomcat's JAVA_OPTS (in tomcat6.conf or similar): 
    JAVA_OPTS="-XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xmx1024m"
  5. Add two system properties to
  6. Run the script ${REPO_HOME}/etc/
  7. Create and edit the repository configuration file in ${REPO_HOME}/
  8. Start Tomcat
  9. Run the script ${REPO_HOME}/etc/
  10. Run the script ${REPO_HOME}/etc/

Did it work?
The repository admin console should be available at . Log in with your newly created admin user. Verify that the version information reflects your installation.

2. Install SWEET and Online Help


  1. Stop Tomcat
  2. Establish an eagle-i application home directory and a subdirectory for common application configuration files, e.g. /opt/eaglei and /opt/eaglei/conf. Edit to reflect these:
  3. Create an "anonymous" repository user with no roles (to be used by the sweet backend services), and a few test users with different roles.
  4. Download example configuration files, eagle-i-apps-credentials.propertieswhoami.xml, place them  in the common configuration directory and modify them to reflect your installation
  5. Wiki Markup
    Download {{eagle-i-webapp-sweet-\[version\].war}} into Tomcat's webapps directory and rename to {{sweet.war}}
  6. Wiki Markup
    Download {{eagle-i-webapp-help-\[version\].war}} into Tomcat's webapps directory and rename {{help.war}}
  7. Start Tomcat

Did it work?
The SWEET  should be available at Create a "Level 4" test user via the repository admin console and log in to the SWEET. Verify that the footer information reflects your installation. Verify that the header links work. 

3. (Optional) Configure search engine access and Google analytics


  1. Create the file robots.txt in ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/ROOT  and edit it to allow search engine crawler access (see examples directory)
  2. Create the file sitemap.xml in ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/ROOT by using the sitemap web service provided by SWEET:
    wget -O ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/ROOT/sitemap.xmlxml 
    (It is a good idea to set up a cron job to update the site map periodically.)
  3. Submit this sitemap to the search engines of your choice (for Google, you will need to set up a Google Webmaster account)
  4. Google analytics: obtain an analytics account and configure your tracker ID in the file


  1. Stop Tomcat
  2. Copy ${REPO_HOME}/webapps/sparqler.war to Tomcat's webapps directory
  3. Establish a Sparqler home directory, such as /opt/eaglei/sparqler and set an environment variable ${SPARQLER_HOME}.
  4. Add the following system property to
  5. Run the script ${REPO_HOME}/etc/  with an additional argument: sparqler-users.derby
  6. Edit the repository configuration file in ${SPARQLER_HOME}/ It should be identical to the repository's except for two lines:
  7. Start Tomcat
  8. Run the script ${REPO_HOME}/etc/ targeting the newly created /sparqler endpoint

Did it work?
The Sparqler  query workbench should be available at and should have no access restrictions. Execute the following SPARQL query: select * {?s ?p ?o} with Default Graph = NG_Published. You should see the public triples of your main repository.

5. (Optional) Install Institutional Search


  1. Stop Tomcat
  2. Modify files and whoami.xml to reflect your installation
  3. (optional) install a MySQL database for search usage logging and configure its name and credentials in the two property files above (the tables will be created upon first access by the application)
  4. Wiki Markup
    Download {{eagle-i-webapp-institution-\[version\].war}} into Tomcat's webapps directory and rename to {{institution.war}}
  5. Start Tomcat

Did it work?
Institutional Search  should be available at Verify that the footer information reflects your installation. Verify that the header links work.